How does Braid Work?

Start a Braid Pool

Start a Braid Pool

Create as many pools as you need for your animal rescue and keep funds in a dedicated pool, separate from your personal funds.

Share the Pool Link

Share the Pool Link

Pool Links make it easy for contributors to donate money to your pool. No sign-up required

Spend or Send Your money

Spend or Send Your money

Use funds directly from the pool to buy food and supplies, pay for vet bills, and pay for other animal rescue expenses, no need to transfer it out.

Easily manage money and fundraise for your animal rescue with Braid Pools

All your fundraising needs covered

The money that you collect will stay in the pool for as long as you need it to. Create pools for different aspects of running your animal rescue organization, like a food and supplies fund, a veterinary bills fund, or an animal transportation fund. 

Easily collect money with Pool Links

Simply share the link to collect debit or credit card contributions. You can set the amount to be paid or let contributors pay what they can. No sign-up for contributors required.  

Personalize your link

Add custom text, and images to let contributors know what you’re collecting money for.

Flexible Money Pools 

Braid Pools are an easy way to pool, manage, and spend money with people who want to donate to a worthy cause.

Manage money as a group

If you’re running your animal rescue with other people, invite them to the pool as memebers to spend and manage money together. Set permissions to decide who can spend from the pool, view transactions, and set spending limits. 

Spend from your pool with a free debit card

Use it wherever Visa is accepted. Add it to Apple Pay or Google Pay for contactless payment.

Braid is safe and secure

We use best-in-class security and compliance practices to keep your money safe and your personal data private.

All payment and personal information are encrypted end-to-end using SSL 256-bit encryption.

Get spending notifications from your pools, and freeze your debit card anytime in the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Braid?
How do I spend money from the pool?
Does Braid charge fees?