How does Braid work?

Customize and share the link

Customize and share the link

Start a pool for your book club and share the link with members.

Collect contributions

Collect contributions

Easily collect membership fees and contributions in one place.

Spend directly from the pool

Spend directly from the pool

Use the free Braid debit card to make book club purchases.

Easily manage book club expenses in Braid Pools

Your book club needs covered

Use it to collect membership fees, buy bulk book orders, subscriptions services, food, wine, and more!

Get notified when people contribute

Keep track of contributions with instant notifications when members contribute to your pool.

Invite book club members

Do you rotate who hosts the book club? Members of the pool can spend from the pool and help manage expenses.

See contributions as they happen

Allow notifications to get alerts when someone contributes to your pool.

Spend with pool debit cards

Every Braid Pool comes with a ready-to-use debit card.

Braid is Safe and Secure

We use best-in-class security and compliance practices to keep your money safe and your personal data private.

All payment and personal information are encrypted end-to-end using SSL 256-bit encryption.

Get spending notifications from your pools, and freeze your debit card anytime in the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Braid Pool?
Can I create multiple pools?
How can I make purchases from the Braid Pool?
Can I add or remove people from the savings group money pool?
What is the difference between pool members and contributors?