How does Braid work?

Customize & share the link

Customize & share the link

Set up your pool and send the link to your friends and family

Collect contributions

Collect contributions

Anyone with the link can contribute to cash fund

Send money directly from your pool

Send money directly from your pool

You can send funds from your pool to any debit card or phone number instantly.

The Best Place for your Cash Registry

Create a registry for any type of cash fund

Collect contributions towards your cash fund for large expenses, honeymoon fund, donation to a charity, graduation fund, and more! 

Personalize the pool link

Add an image and description to tell friends & family what their contribution is going towards

Cash out in minutes with Instant Send

Send money from Braid to your bank account within minutes for a small transfer fee or use Standard Send for free.

Get alerts when people contribute 

Instant notifications show when someone puts money in your cash fund or leaves a note with their contribution

Your money pool is 100% free

Keep all of the contributions you collect for cash gifts

How To Set Up A Braid Cash Registry For Every Occasion

Learn how to give people an effortless way to contribute towards your cash registry

Read the Post
How To Set Up A Braid Cash Registry For Every Occasion

Braid is Safe and Secure

We use best-in-class security and compliance practices to keep your money safe and your personal data private.

All payment and personal information are encrypted end-to-end using SSL 256-bit encryption.

Get spending notifications from your pools, and freeze your debit card anytime in the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Braid?
How do I spend money from the pool?
Is Braid a cash registry website?
Collecting funds for someone else? Here’s how to send them the funds:
Does Braid charge fees?