With wedding season in full swing, you may know a close friend or family member getting married soon. You may have also received an invitation to their upcoming bridal shower.

A bridal shower is an ideal opportunity to celebrate the bride-to-be as they prepare for their approaching nuptials. It’s also typically a wedding event centered around gift-giving. 

While getting dolled up and attending a bridal shower for your best friend, niece, or cousin is definitely a time to have fun, it can also be confusing for guests. Do you show up with a gift? How much should you spend on a bridal shower gift? There is some etiquette to consider. 

Keep reading to find out how much you should budget for a gift and quick tips for bridal shower guest etiquette. 

We’ll cover:

  • Basic bridal shower gift etiquette
  • Bridal shower gift vs. wedding gift
  • How much you should spend on a bridal shower gift
  • Is cash an appropriate bridal shower gift?

Bridal shower gift etiquette

First, if you’re invited to a bridal shower, do you have to come with a gift? 

If you’re attending a bridal shower, definitely plan on bringing a gift to congratulate the bride. Showing up empty-handed is considered a faux pas. It’s just good bridal shower etiquette! 

It’s important to note that a gift is still required even if you’re a part of a wedding or bridal party. You shouldn’t bring a bridal shower gift only if the guest-of-honor has explicitly requested “no gifts.” Also, remember that your bridal shower gift is separate from your wedding day gift. 

But what if you’re invited to a bridal shower you cannot attend? This is where gift-giving options differ. It’s customary to send a gift still even if you’re not physically going to be there. However, there isn’t a strict obligation—consider sending a handwritten card sharing your excitement for the bride-to-be. 

Want to give bridal shower gifts seamlessly? Learn about Braid Pools here

Bridal shower gift vs. wedding gift

There’s a common misconception between bridal shower gifts and wedding gifts. Some believe if you buy a gift for the bridal shower, you aren’t required to buy one for the wedding. 

However, this isn’t true—there is no connection between the bridal shower gift and the wedding present. If you purchase a bridal shower gift, you should still buy a wedding gift. 

When it comes to spending money on bridal showers and wedding gifts, it all comes down to how well you know the couple and your budget. 

If you want to dive deeper into wedding etiquette, there’s a 20-20-60 rule you can follow. You can start by setting an overall gift budget for the entirety of the wedding events—let’s use $200 as an example. 60% of the budget ($120) will be reserved for the wedding gift—some cash for their honeymoon fund, a set of comfy linens, etc. Then, 20% ($40) is used for the engagement party, and the other 20% ($40) is for the bridal shower. 

Suppose you’re only invited to one pre-wedding celebration. Divide that extra 20% between the bridal shower ($50) and the wedding ($130). Appropriate wedding gift etiquette comes down to proper math! 

How much to spend on a bridal shower gift

Navigating the gift options for the guest-of-honor can be tricky, but there are a few essential tips to help guide you. 

First, keep in mind that bridal shower gifts tend to be less costly than wedding gifts. The average you should spend on a bridal shower gift is around $50 to $75. If you’re especially close to the bride, you may spend upwards of $100. 

But no matter what, the amount you want to spend is up to you! 

Since there are no hard-and-fast rules for gift-giving at bridal showers, items can range in price. When shopping for the perfect present, keep your budget in mind. 

Also, chances are, you’ll be wrapping up a wedding gift soon enough, so be sure to find a balance between the two. You may opt to give a less expensive gift for the bridal shower if you’re planning to choose a pricier wedding gift from the couple’s registry. 

Generally, finding something useful, personal, or meaningful to celebrate the bride’s upcoming wedding matters. The bride-to-be will surely appreciate anything you give her. 

Is cash an appropriate bridal shower gift?

In short, yes. Gifts are great, but sometimes all a soon-to-be newlywed needs is some cash. 

A monetary gift is appropriate for a bridal shower; the best amount ranges between $50 and $100. Since cash isn’t as personal, you’ll want to ensure you’re being generous. 

To make giving cash easy, ask the bride if she wants to set up a Braid Money Pool dedicated to her monetary gifts. 

Setting up a pool is easy:

  1. Create a pool and name it (i.e., “Anna’s Bridal Shower Gift Fund”)
  2. Share the link with her bridal shower guests, and they can easily send cash gifts through the link. 
  3. When she’s ready to spend the money, she can easily make purchases through a Braid debit card, included with her Money Pool. 

Or, you also may consider setting up a Braid Money Pool to collect cash gifts for the bride. You can follow the steps above and send the dedicated pool link to other bridal shower guests interested in giving monetary contributions. 

Send cash gifts with Braid Pools

Cash is king, and it's easier than ever to gift it with Braid. 

Learn more about Braid Pools to start a much-appreciated gift fund for the bride-to-be.